Each individual is different, and your unique treatment option will be formulated and discussed with you during your consultation with our Optometrist. After your initial consultation we will have a treatment plan specifically for your dry eye condition.
We can offer you a variety of dry eye treatments in store. These include:
• At home dry eye relief pack
• Customised over the counter OR prescription eye drops
• Tear drop supplements, specifically recommended for your type of dry eye
• Blephasteam moist heat therapy: Blephasteam is a safe and painless way to relieve symptoms associated with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Blephasteam maintains the perfect therapeutic temperature and environment to melt the thickened secretions with our Meibomian glands. The result is better production of oils required for high quality tears, and improved dry eye symptoms. Blephasteam treatments may require repeating depending on the severity of your dry eye conditions.
• Meibomian Oil Gland expression: This is a simple therapy to open the glands in your lower eyelid if they have become blocked. An expression is preformed after the Blephasteam moisture heat therapy with a special instrument used by the optometrist to clear the glands of the blocked oils.
• Blephex Treatment: The Blephex is an instrument that directly helps treat Anterior Blepharitis, where crusty material gathers along the eyelids and eyelashes. It is similar to an electric toothbrush. A gentle rotating sponge soaked in cleanser is applied across the top and bottom lid margins to remove the crusty particles. This can tickle but does not hurt.
• IRPL (intense regulated pulsed light) treatment: IRPL provides a long lasting solution to improve comfort by restoring the function of meibomian glands, stabilising the lipid layer of the tear film. This is a state of the art treatment with time efficiency and a clinically proven way to manage dry eye.
IRPL is considered the BEST option to treat dry eye as it targets a number of different areas:
We are a locally owned optometry practice that is situated throughout the South West with stores in Australind, Dalyellup and Mandurah.